The objective of this clinical case is thus to present a Class II, division 1, subdivision malocclusion with a severely extruded\nmaxillary left hemiarch, which, due to the loss of mandibular teeth, makes prosthetic rehabilitation of the edentulous spaces\nimpossible. A significant intrusion was performed with mini-implants followed by miniplates associated with fixed appliance\nand elastomeric chains. The results of this process showed that the biological responses of the teeth and the surrounding bony\nstructure to the intrusion were demonstrated to be normal and acceptable. A clinically significant intrusion of the left maxillary\nmolars, along with the recovery of the interocclusal space and the prosthetic rehabilitation, was obtained with a fixed\northodontic appliance that was associated to the biomechanics with TADs. It also allowed the obtaining of Class I canine\nrelationship, demonstrated periodontal health and favored the prosthetic rehabilitation with good occlusion, aesthetics, and\nsatisfactory function.